Locals discuss concerns over new business park currently under construction
People of Washington Bottom came together Saturday afternoon to discuss concerns over a 29-acre business park currently under construction in their neighborhoods
The Saturday meeting was a chance for the Washington Bottom community to come together and discuss the construction of PMCompany’s business park.
Jeff Simmons is a member of a concerned citizens group actively trying to stop the construction of the business park. Simmons said the goal was to talk about the concerns they’re feeling… and to brainstorm ideas on how to stop the construction.
“We’re looking at every kind of possible option to preserve or community. This is a peaceful place.”
We spoke to the Real Estate Director for the PM Company, Jared Decker, earlier in the week.
Decker responded to concerns of the construction by saying the company is playing by the rules.
“If people have questions as to whether or not we are abiding by the rules. They should call law enforcement or their elected officials and send inspectors to our site. We have an open-door policy.”
Simmons said he’s not going to stop fighting until the last nail is in.
“Some people are willing to give up too easily, I do think that. But there’s always some little guy out who’s there willing to fight for it.”
As for Decker, he said he understands there is pushback, but he and the company stand behind the project.
“But we’re hopeful over time as the building comes in and the jobs are created, and the tax base has increased along with numerous other impacts. We hope that people’s perception on what we’re doing will change.”
We’ll have more on this story in the future.
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